Sunday, January 13, 2019


As I think about the new year and the time that has past I think of committing to the #OneWord once again. I believe my first #OneWord was Give, which I used for a couple of years, I always like to give things to others so why not give more. :-).  Last year I decided to Persevere.  Changes were coming and I wanted to push through and do the right thing because it was the right thing to do. The time has come to choose my #OneWord for this year.    

This year I want a word that could mean several different things and yet still push me to be a better person.  My #OneWord for 2019 is Present. 

Wherever I am, whatever I am doing I want to be Present.  Much like the PIKE PLACE FISH philosophy ( check the link)  I want to Be There.  I want to be an active participant in day-to-day life. I don’t want to be the one at the restaurant, in a meeting, or at the dinner table, focusing on my phone or what the next thing is in my day and not interacting with those that are around me. I want my focus to be on those that I am with and the task that I am doing.  Wherever I am I want to truly be present.

For most of my childhood, I wanted to be a teacher, having the opportunity to share the things I knew with others. I had some amazing teachers and I know that is what formed my opinions about education and sharing. For this year I want to have the opportunity to PRESENT to others. Not just what I know, but also where I am lacking in knowledge. I believe when others know about your passions they are willing to  learn from them or possibly know ways to assist you in your growth.    

PRESENT- This may seem kind of cheesy, but here it is.  I want to be a present to others, a gift in what I say and do. As a part of my morning announcements as an administrator I would use the phrase “make someone feel special.”  I wanted all of my students to be aware of each other and work to do something special for someone. Daily I want to make someone feel special by what I say and do.  This is a tall order particularly on days when I am stuck in a cubical for most of the time, but I think the purpose of the #OneWord is not to necessarily to be an easy accommodating thing.

I know this definition of presenting has been used above but for me this is another area where the rubber meets the road. 

As a Christian, I lean on my faith to get me through this life and I also want to follow the teachings of God’s Word.  Therefore I want to be that living sacrifice, and not be conform but transformed by the renewal of my mind.  

 So this post wasn't exactly about Tech, but it is part of my #OneWord2019.  Thank you for your time.

present. 2019. In
Retrieved January 13, 2019, from

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